
Spring Bones

A Small Update:

Please forgive me for my lack of posts..I do think of Blondunderwater often and how I've slacked off from her.
  I'm unable to finish reading the book The Help..At first I was enjoying it, then slowly I started to become bored and ready to move on.  I can't move on because I am unable to finish. There is a pile of summer reading books that I want to get to.  But I have to finish The Help even if my focus has been shaky.
  My writing has suffered because my math class has had me swimming with numbers. If you know me well, you know that math and I have a bumpy relationship. Math is a subject that should belong in a whole other post. It always, without fail, makes me feel manic.
  Los Angeles has been interesting lately. Sometimes boring, stressful, and leaving me feeling stupid. Most of this isn't the city's fault but rather my headquarters. I'm ready for something new, clean, nothing heavy and something that respects my own personal space. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Until next time,



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