
The Blues of School

 Last fall, I decided that I wanted to go back to school to receive my AA from Santa Monica College. One of my reasons for my lack of posting so much lately is partly because I`m at school and work all day this semester.  School for me was always very hard and I had to give a lot of energy to my school work. By the time high school had finished, I had zero energy or will to give to a regular college setting. Which is why The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) seemed perfect for me--it had nothing to do with math or science and everything to do with acting. AMDA at that time was perfect for me. It was challenging to my confidence and a little demoralizing, but it pushed me to give my all to whatever I was performing. There were a couple of times I gave my all over that year-and-a-half, but there were times I felt disconnected from what I was learning and confused without someone to really teach it to me the way that I needed. I did however find that connection with a few female teachers and one male teacher right near the end of school. For me personally, AMDA should have been longer.  I wasn't finished growing by the time 3rd semester ended.  AMDA came to an end and I was whisked away to make-up school where I was quite unhappy. But that is another story.

  I love acting because I love the art of storytelling and will do my best at acting to make it a career. Yet, I also love a lot of the behind-the-scenes jobs in the entertainment business and I LOVE writing.  That doesn't mean that I have given up on acting because I want to understand other avenues besides acting. AMDA gave me a great solid core after I was finished, but this last year I felt like I wasn't growing any more as a person and as an artist.  Somehow along the way I started writing again and it began to make me feel whole as an artist. I`m awful with grammar so I wanted to take an English class to refresh my brain on it. Which is how I ended up back in school and I`m so very happy about it.  For me that is a very big deal because of how draining regular school was and the related baggage I have carried since then. No ex-boyfriend baggage--just pure school baggage.

This fall I`m also planning on taking a class with an amazing teacher outside my bubble of AMDA teachers. I love them all very much but I was starting to feel unchallenged by the classes post-AMDA and knew I needed something outside of my comfort zone. It was a refreshing feeling once I found my new soon-to-be-teacher.  I`m happy about the future and feel confident about it as well. 

Til next time!


1 comment:

  1. Yes! Keep writing. Remember, writing is one of the only arts that you can keep up with until the day you die. Doesn't require good looks or athletic ability. Just a brain with a couple sparks inside it.
